Lost lanes of Linton (Derbys) Pt1
Through researching aspects of the history of my childhood home of Linton, South Derbyshire, I have come across the names of roads and lanes which have gone out of use or changed. For instance, in a newspaper report of a sitting of the Petty Sessions at Swadlincote, on 26th October 1869, Linton farmer W.F.Tunnadine, summoned the Swadlincote Highways Board for 'neglecting to repair a certain highway in the township of Linton, called Wood Lane, leading from Wallway to Launders Lane (1) . Council for the Highways board replied that 'the road in question is not a common highway, but an occupation road for the convenience of farmers to get to their land' - case dismissed! Just where were these lanes? Let's start with Wallway. Despite living in Linton from 1954 - 1974, I first came across this name quite recently on seeing copies of the 1835 Ordnance Survey first series topological maps (2) . A small group of properties named 'Wallway Houses', is indicated about h...