Lost lanes of Linton (Derbys) Pt6
Some further Wallway street name research. In the second part of the Via Devana blog series, I considered some possible options for the Roman route's continuation beyond the junction with Ryknild Street and its use as a salt road. One route to the northwest might have passed through the Cheshire salt producing region. Women extracting salt from brinewater springs in Nantwich were referred to as 'Wallers' in the town's medieval records. [1] An inference could be made that the Linton Wallway might have been a strand of one of the west/east salt routes like the Walton Way, which ran just to the south of Linton, or that it ran through an area which was wet, where groundwater welled up. Another perhaps more reasonable explanation came to light while studying preparatory Ordnance Survey drawings of west Cambridgeshire. [2] To the east of Great Gransden is an area of rough pasture labeled 'Walland Common'. The English Place Name Society (EPNS) [3] gives 'land...