Lost lanes of Linton (Derbys) Pt5
Launders Lane update
Although I have only seen small excerpts of it, there is a rather marvellous late C16th, or early C17th map in Derbyshire Record Office (DRO) titled 'Procession Way Plan of the Seale Estate'[1]. It purports to show the extent of the Gresley family's estate called 'Seale', consisting largely of the parishes of Overseal and Netherseal, in what was then part of Leicestershire. The Procession Way is shown surrounding the estate and may have been periodically 'beaten' to ensure that its boundaries remained well-defined. Dr Mark Knight of Overseal (pers. comm.), suggests that the Park Road, Linton Heath, Colliery Lane alignment[2], as well as marking part of the county boundary with Derbyshire, might also be a relic of the Procession Way.
The villages within and nearby the estate are drawn with surrounding hedges or fences and have gates with lanes leading out into the fields. An area of woodland is also shown surrounded by a hedge or wattle fence, denoted as 'the oute ring heige'. The woodland comprises several named blocks, one of which is labelled 'Coton Parke', which had been held previously by Merevale abbey. Attached to the north-west corner of this block (at the bottom in the extract below), is a small enclosure labelled 'the Lawnde'. Fewer, smaller trees are drawn within it and it this area of woodland which may have been accessed by the 'Launders Lane', which was being referred to in the C19th newspapers. The plan was drawn with east oriented to the top[3].
Confusingly, an area to the north of Linton village became known as Coton Park. This occurred when rows of houses were constructed for miners working at the nearby colliery; one of two mines sunk by the Netherseal and Coton Park Colliery company. The other mine, known as Netherseal colliery, was located to the south of Linton in Netherseal parish, close to the former Coton Park estate. It was accessed from Linton via Colliery Lane.
Coton Park Farm, although not shown on the C16th plan, has survived as Park Farm and is located in Rosliston (Derbys) parish. The Derbyshire Historic Environment Record (DHER) notes that the area surrounding the former Coton Park estate and woodland, has recently been replanted with trees, as part of the new National Forest initiative. The extent of the former park is highlighted in yellow below[4].
Extent of the Coton Park estate. (Contains © Crown copyright and database rights 2022 and Derbyshire HER data). |
The DHER also details the probable remains of parts of the park pale, the ditch and or bank and hedge or fence, which would have surrounded the park (highlighted in orange below)[5].
Probable remains of the Coton Park pale. (Contains © Crown copyright and database rights 2022 and Derbyshire HER data). |
The track leading from the south-west end of Back Lane Linton to the areas of ancient woodland to the south, appears to be the best candidate for the route known as 'Launders Lane'[6].
Probable track, known as 'Launders Lane', running south from Linton to Coton Park. (Ordnance Survey first edition, 1835. Sheet 63). |
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